Milad Mehrabi
Name | Milad Mehrabi |
Location | Germany |
About Milad | Experienced System Engineer who has curiosity and thirst for knowledge and enjoy learning, skilled in designing, implementing and supporting virtualization and cloud computing infrastructure. Solid experience in:VMware vSphere, VMware vCenter Server, VMware vRealize Automation and Orchestration, VMware Horizon View, VMware NSX, VMware vRealize Operation Manager. |
Years as vExpert: 4
Employer | Vodafone |
Blog | |
@Miladx12 | |
VMTN Profile Link | |
GitHub | miladmeh |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Expertise | vSphere, vRealize, NSX, End User Computing, vSAN, Cloud Native Applications |
Achieved Certifications | VCIX-DCV, VCP6-NV, VCP6.5-DCV, VCP-CMA, VCP-AM |
Milad's Badges
Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert Cloud Management
vExpert PRO
vExpert vSphere