Brandon Bazan
Name | Brandon Bazan |
Location | United States |
About Brandon | I work on VMware's Internal Private Cloud, helping to find and fix bugs! |
Years as vExpert: 10
Employer | VMware |
Blog | |
@bbazan | |
VMTN Profile Link | bbazan |
GitHub | bbazan |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Expertise | vSphere, vRealize, NSX |
Achieved Certifications | VCP4,5,2020 DCV, VCP-Cloud, VCP-NV, VCAP-DCA/DCD5, VCIX6-DCV, VCIX6-NV, VCIX-DCV 2020, Cloud Specialist Badge, VCAP-DCV Deploy 2020, VCP-CMA |
Brandon's Badges
Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert Cloud Provider
vExpert NSX