Matt Callaway

Name Matt Callaway
Location United States
About Matt IT Engineer for the last 20 years from building datacenter from physical to virtualization. Built business' using VMware software from 12M to over 200M with a team I've built. Coached, trained them to support and leverage the VMware stack.
Years as vExpert: 9
Employer VMware by Broadcom
Job Title Sr. Technical Learning Engineer
Twitter @_vCallaway
VMTN Profile Link vCallaway
LinkedIn Profile
Achieved Certifications VCP-DCV 2022 & 2024, VCP6-DCV, VCP6-NV, VCAP6-DCV Deploy, VCAP-DCV Design, VCIX-DCV BADGES: vROPs Specialist 2017, NFV Operations Practitioner, VMware SME (NV), VMC on AWS 2019

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