Nick Kuhn

Name Nick Kuhn
Location United States
About Nick Nick Kuhn is a Senior technical marketing architect working on Tanzu Application Service and Tanzu Application Platform. His experience with VMware products started with a traditional role as VI admin. It morphed over the years into the realm of DevOps, SRE, and Platform Architecture & Engineering for a Fortune 100 company. In his free time, Nick enjoys spending time with his family, tinkering with tech, and the occasional video game session.
Years as vExpert: 3
Employer VMWare
Twitter @tehkuhnz
VMTN Profile Link tehkuhnz
GitHub nkuhn-vmw
LinkedIn Profile
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Expertise vSphere, vSAN, Cloud Native Applications
Achieved Certifications
Other Community Programs Tanzu Vanguard

Nick's Badges

Special Honors Subprograms

vExpert Application Modernization