Corey Romero

Name Corey Romero
Location United States
About Corey I have been employed as a web engineer in Silicon Valley since 1997, and currently, I hold a marketing role at Broadcom. Despite my marketing responsibilities, I continue to engage in engineering work on platforms such as the vExpert website, VMTN Communities, and VMware Blogs. In fact, I was responsible for building the very first VMware WordPress Instance and continue to maintain the platform to this day. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job is interacting with the vCommunity and vExperts, both virtually and in person. Fortunatly, I get the opportunity to spend time with the community during my trips and to both VMware Explore U.S. and Europe..
Years as vExpert: 16
Employer Broadcom
Job Title vExpert Program Manager
Twitter @vExpert
VMTN Profile Link
GitHub coreyr
LinkedIn Profile
Achieved Certifications
Other Community Programs Bloger Program

Corey's Badges

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Special Honors Subprograms

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vExpert Application Modernization

vExpert Avi

vExpert Cloud Builder

vExpert Cloud Management

vExpert Cloud Provider

vExpert Hybrid Cloud

vExpert NSX

vExpert PRO

vExpert SDDC Manager

vExpert Security

vExpert vSAN

vExpert vSphere