Jagadeesh Devaraj
Name | Jagadeesh Devaraj |
Location | Netherlands |
About Jagadeesh | Cloud Architect working on VMware, AWS, Kubernetes, Dockers |
Years as vExpert: 10
Employer | ING Bank |
Job Title | Architect |
Blog | https://www.myitblog.in/ |
@rdjagadeesh | |
VMTN Profile Link | JagadeeshDev |
GitHub | rdjagadeesh |
LinkedIn Profile | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rdjagadeesh/ |
Expertise | |
Achieved Certifications | VCAP-DCV 5,5.5,6 & VCP CLOUD AND EUC |
Other Community Programs | CTAB,DELL,VMware Social advisory, Cloud Cred, AWS programs |
Jagadeesh's Badges
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Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert Hybrid Cloud
vExpert NSX