Abhilash Basavarajaiah

Name Abhilash Basavarajaiah
Location India
About Abhilash Abhilash currently works as a Global Technical Alliance Manager and he is an Ambassador for the Office of the CTO @ VMware. He is passionate about technology and all things virtual and VMware has recognized him as a VMware vExpert and a vExpert Pro under the Evangelist path for his contribution to the virtualization and cloud computing communities through knowledge sharing and content creation. Abhilash holds numerous technical certifications from VMware, EMC, Cisco, CNCF, Microsoft, and Rackspace and has also authored many VMware certifications through the VMware Certification SME program.
Years as vExpert: 12
Employer VMware
Blog http://
Twitter @abhilashhb
VMTN Profile Link abhilashhb
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhilashhb/
Expertise vSphere, vRealize, Cloud Native Applications
Achieved Certifications VCP6-DCV, VCIX6-CMA, VCIX7-CMA, VCP7-CMA, CKA, CKAD
Other Community Programs VMware CTO Ambassador

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