Jesper Ramsgaard
Name | Jesper Ramsgaard |
Location | Denmark |
About Jesper | Cloud Infrastructure Specialist - currently employed at a danish service provider where we use most of the VMware portfolio. Been working with VMware since ESXi 4.1. |
Years as vExpert: 6
Employer | itm8 |
Blog | |
@jramsgaard | |
VMTN Profile Link | Ramsgaard |
GitHub | jramsgaard |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Expertise | vSphere, vRealize, NSX |
Achieved Certifications | VCP6-DC, VCP-NV2022, VCAP-NV 2023 |
Other Community Programs | Microsoft MCP, Veeam Forums, VMware slack forums. |
Jesper's Badges
Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert Cloud Provider
vExpert NSX