Dale Hassinger
Name | Dale Hassinger |
Location | United States |
About Dale | VCF | Automation | Operations | PowerCLI | AI | Mentor |
Years as vExpert: 6
Employer | VMware by Broadcom |
Job Title | Staff VCF Solutions Architect |
Blog | https://www.vcrocs.info |
@DaleHassinger | |
VMTN Profile Link | dalehassinger |
GitHub | DaleHassinger |
LinkedIn Profile | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dalehassinger/ |
Expertise | |
Achieved Certifications | VCA, EMCISA, MCP, MCTS, NWWTA001 |
Other Community Programs | VMware {code} Coach, VMware Explore Speaker, VMware Explore Hackathon Team Captain (2nd Place), SaltConf Speaker, PowerBlocks, Under The Hood, Little Hacks, VMUG Speaker, Podcast Guest |
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