Hui Ding
Name | Hui Ding |
Location | China |
About Hui | I am an employee of VMware partners and hope to let more people learn and use the products of VMware |
Years as vExpert: 5
Employer | shenzhen sunway hightech technology co.,LTD |
Blog | |
VMTN Profile Link | dinghui_net_cn |
Expertise | vSphere, vRealize, NSX, End User Computing, vSAN |
Achieved Certifications | VCAP-DCV-Design2020,VCAP-NV-Design2020,VCP-DCV2020,VCP-DTM2020,VCP-DW2020,VCP-NV2020,VCP-CMA2021,VCAP-DTM-Design2021, |
Other Community Programs | pmp |
Hui's Badges
Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert vSAN
vExpert vSphere