Bassem Rezkalla

Name Bassem Rezkalla
Location Netherlands
About Bassem Am a senior virtual cloud networking TAM by VMware in the Netherlands. My passion with technology and computers started at a very young age and had my first word processing software written on visual basic, a project which I am still very proud of. I worked years in the area of service provider networking and I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to onboard early data center modernisation and virtualisation “hype” in end 2008. I was introduced to VMware and the genius technology back then of hypervisor and abstraction of hardware layer and got addicted since then to VMware as a technology and stronger as a community and culture.
Years as vExpert: 3
Employer VMware
Twitter @RezkallaB
VMTN Profile Link
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Expertise vSphere, NSX
Achieved Certifications VCP-6 DCV, VCP-6 NV, CCIE# 23728, RHCSA, vExpert
Other Community Programs vExpert

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