Caio Oliveira

Name Caio Oliveira
Location Brazil
About Caio Caio Oliveira is a Principal Cloud Solution Architect with focus on VMware Cloud on AWS for Latin America. Caio has been with VMware for almost six years and more than ten years in cloud industry. He has presented at conferences such VMworld, OpenStack Days and VMUGs. Caio is a VMware Press author and holds certifications like CCIE and AWS Solutions Architect. He is a VCIX-NV and vExpert since 2016. He is a part of the Global Field program inside VMware’s Office of the CTO and holds Bachelor’s and Master's degree in Computer Engineering.
Years as vExpert: 10
Employer VMware
Blog http://
Twitter @virtcaio
VMTN Profile Link oliveirac
LinkedIn Profile
Expertise vSphere, NSX, vSAN
Achieved Certifications VCP6-NV, VCIX-NV, CCIE, AWS Associate

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vExpert Hybrid Cloud