Alexander Thornhill

Name Alexander Thornhill
Location Germany
About Alexander Summary: Experienced IT architect and project leader with over 25 years of international professional and project experience, extensive knowledge from IT consulting and project work, backed by high-level certifications such as VMware Double VCP, CTT+. Experience as a trainer for IT specialists and author of the book "The Art of Virtualization: Infrastructure", aims to share his expertise in publications.
Years as vExpert: 2
Employer Netgo group GmbH
Blog http://
Twitter @Thornhill_IT
VMTN Profile Link A_Thornhill
LinkedIn Profile
Expertise vSphere, End User Computing, vSAN
Achieved Certifications Double VCP - Data Center Virtualization & Desktop Mobility, VCP7-DTM, VCP-DCV 2019, VCP6-DTM,
Other Community Programs Microsoft MCSE+M - (website

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