Rahul Dhawan

Name Rahul Dhawan
Location India
About Rahul I’m Rahul Dhawan, an IT enthusiast with a passion for all things tech. Join me as we explore the latest trends, insights, and innovations in the world of information technology.Sr. Consultant at VMware India | VCIX-NV | 2X VCP DCV & NV | CCNP Enterprise Certified | Palo Alto Certified | Blogger and Creator Techdemoz.com
Years as vExpert: 3
Employer VMware
Blog https://techdemoz.wordpress.com/
Twitter @rdhawan88
VMTN Profile Link https://communities.vmware.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5644908
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahul-dhawan-5459391b/
Expertise vSphere, NSX
Achieved Certifications VCIX-NV, 2X VCP DCV & NV, CCNP Enterprise Certified, Palo Alto Certified
Other Community Programs https://www.youtube.com/@techdemoz3

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