Theis Andersen Samsig
Name | Theis Andersen Samsig |
Location | Denmark |
About Theis | Been in the biz since '97 and tried everything from break-fix, programming to design and architecture. Geek at heart and curious by nature. |
Years as vExpert: 11
Employer | Arrow ECS Denmark A/S |
Job Title | Technical Business Developer |
Blog | http:// |
@samsig_dk | |
VMTN Profile Link | mediaone |
GitHub | caztor |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Expertise | |
Achieved Certifications | VCP-NV 2021, VCAP-DCV Deploy 2018, VCP-DCV 2019, VCP6.5-DCV, VCP6-DCV, VCP5-DCV, VCP4-DCV |
Theis's Badges
Special Honors Subprograms
vExpert Cloud Provider