Tarsio Moraes

Name Tarsio Moraes
Location United States
About Tarsio My name is Tarsio Moraes I’m an Electronic Engineer graduated from FEI in São Paulo in Brazil. I Started my career in 2003 on Hewlett-Packard. Since them I had worked 15 years on IBM and 3 years on AWS and now on VMware as Staff VMware Cloud Solution Architect. My passion is drive customers to success using my peculiar Customer Obsession and my wiling to spread knowledge.
Years as vExpert: 7
Employer VMware by Broadcom
Blog http://tarsiomoraes.com.br
Twitter @tarsio
VMTN Profile Link Tarsio Moraes
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarsiomoraes/
Expertise vSphere, vRealize, NSX, vSAN
Achieved Certifications VCIX6-NV,VCP6-DCV,VTSP6-NV,VSP6-NV

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