Chris Childerhose

Name Chris Childerhose
Location Canada
About Chris IT professional with a passion for learning new technologies. Attending VMware and other user groups and events.
Years as vExpert: 6
Employer ThinkOn
Job Title Lead Infrastructure Architect
Twitter @cchilderhose
VMTN Profile Link chrischilderhos
LinkedIn Profile
Mastodon Profile
Expertise vSphere, vRealize, NSX, vSAN
Achieved Certifications VCP8-DCV, VCP7-DCV, VCP6-DCV, VCAP5-DCA, VCP55-DCV VCP5-DCV
Other Community Programs Veeam Vanguard, Veeam Legend, Veeam Certified Architect, VMCE, Tanzu Vanguard, VMUG Leader, AWS Community Builder, MCITP

Chris's Badges

Special Honors Subprograms

vExpert Cloud Provider

vExpert vSAN