Edward Haletky

Name Edward Haletky
Location United States
About Edward Edward L. Haletky, aka Texiwill, is an analyst, author, architect, technologist, and out-of-the-box thinker. As an analyst, Edward looks at all things IoT, big data, cloud, security, and DevOps. As an author, he has written about virtualization and security. As an architect, Edward creates peer-reviewed reference architectures for hybrid cloud, cloud-native applications, and many other aspects of the modern business. As a technologist, Edward creates code prototypes for parts of those architectures. Edward is solving today's problems in an implementable fashion.
Years as vExpert: 17
Employer AstroArch Consulting, Inc.
Blog https://www.astroarch.com/blog/
Twitter @Texiwill
VMTN Profile Link Texiwill
GitHub Texiwill
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardhaletky/
Expertise vSphere, NSX, End User Computing, vSAN
Achieved Certifications

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