Christopher Kusek

Name Christopher Kusek
Location United States
About Christopher Christopher Kusek is connected to current and future trends; As a former tech executive and CTO he is a strategist who comprehends complex business and technology problems using his organization and leadership skills to solve them. An industry recognized expert Christopher is a 17 year VMware vExpert, while also an accomplished speaker and author with nine books published. With over 30 years of industry experience spent focused on creating innovative business solutions, Christopher’s expertise is integral to his ability to lead its clients to the right solution for their business.
Years as vExpert: 17
Employer Broadcom
Job Title Principal Cloud Architect
Twitter @cxi
VMTN Profile Link cxi
GitHub vcxi
LinkedIn Profile
Achieved Certifications VCP-DCV, VCP-NX, VCP-Cloud, CISSP, MCT, CCNA, CCNA-Security, CCNA-Data Center, CCNP-Data Center

Christopher's Badges

Special Honors Subprograms

vExpert Cloud Management

vExpert PRO

vExpert vSphere