Rick Scherer

Name Rick Scherer
Location United States
About Rick VCDX #21, DECM-EA, Principal Enterprise Architect and CTO Ambassador for Dell Technologies, supporting large global accounts, as well as an independent author, public speaker and founder of VMwareTips.com.
Years as vExpert: 16
Employer Dell Technologies
Job Title Principal Enterprise Architect
Blog https://www.vmwaretips.com/
Twitter @rick_scherer
VMTN Profile Link https://community.broadcom.com/vmware-cloud-foundation/network/members/profile?UserKey=ea627147-c012-420f-a2b9-b0b3b08f5b75
GitHub rickscherer
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rickjscherer
Mastodon Profile https://mastodon.social/@rickscherer
Expertise vSphere, vRealize, NSX, End User Computing, vSAN, Cloud Native Applications
Achieved Certifications VCDX-DCV 3,4,5,6

Rick's Badges

Special Honors Subprograms

vExpert PRO